The world’s getting hotter with each passing day, and food waste has a 26% contribution in this global mess. India’s numbers are not any healthier on this count. With 670 tonnes of annual food waste, worth approx. $13 billion, we are ranked 7th in the world for food wastage and loss. It’s time we put our green foot forward. Misfits, a sustainable food range of spreads, dips, on-the-go snacks, energy boosters, is born to make this planet a cooler, healthier and happier place to live for generations to come.
We have committed to lock the gaps leading to food waste along the entire food-value-chain. From farm to fork, we source the discarded, ugly, misfit, unwanted fruits and veggies that are fit for human consumption to produce upcycled delicious, nutritious and fibrous packaged food for you.
While upcycling is a scientific process, the outcome is nothing less than magical.
It is all about bringing together fruits and veggies that for various reasons remain unconsumed, only to repurpose them in to something of higher value and thus prevent them from going waste, cause environmental harm and economical loss.
Preventing discarded yet good-for-human-consumption fruits and veggies from ending in the landfills and feedlots or as animal fodder, reduces emission of greenhouse gases like methane. In fact, upcycled food is one of the most impactful and effective ways in which we all can help save the environment from climate change. Additionally, it helps farmers get a fair price for their crop, creates more job opportunities, especially for women, and offers you a delicious & healthy range of spreads, dips & more.