Fruits And Nuts Toast

Toasted bread topped with seasonal fresh fruits and nut. A simple, delicious recipe that can be served for breakfast, snack or even dessert!

Total Time : 15 mins

Tags : Breakfast, Snack, Dessert

Equipment : Plate

Ingredients :

  • 4 tbsp of The Misfits Cocospread (or as per your liking)
  • 4 slices of Multigrain bread/Sourdough*
  • Strawberry – cut into half/thin slices
  • Banana –cut into thin slices
  • Apple – cut into thin slices
  • Roasted Peanuts

Toppings (Optional)

  • Roasted Almonds
  • Roasted Coconut

* Waste trick:

If you trim bread corners, save in airtight container to make breadcrumbs later.

Method :

  1. Toast Multigrain bread / Sourdough
  2. Spread the toast with The Misfits Cocospread
  3. Top with Fruits and nuts
  4. Serve immediately